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FAQs + Resources

This information should not take the place of visiting with your healthcare provider. If you have any additional questions, please call the Birthing Center at 712.755.4244.

big sister touching baby for the first time

Before You Start Your Journey with Us:

Before Baby Arrives:

After baby arrives:

Pain Management Options:

Breastfeeding FAQs


Myrtue Medical's Birthing Center is open for visitation.

We observe quiet time from 2 PM to 4 PM every day on the Birthing Center floor so mothers and babies can bond and rest in a peaceful environment. We encourage visitors to arrange different hours to visit the new little one.

One thing we like to remind all expectant parents and visitors is the importance of washing hands. Newborns are still developing their immune systems, so you should always wash your hands before touching a new baby and avoid kissing them on the face. Even a small cold for an adult can turn into a serious health concern for a baby.

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