Speech Therapy
Myrtue’s Speech Therapy not only assists pediatric to geriatric patients
in communication challenges that cause children/adults to have difficulty
with verbal communication, they also address oral-motor concerns, such
as chewing and swallowing, as well as articulation, auditory processing,
and social skills. This also involves functional cognitive disorders such
as autism, stroke, dementia, post-concussion and Alzheimer's.

Our evidence-based therapists provide specialty care for pediatric to geriatrics
in the following areas:
Cognitive-Communication (Certified Specialty) example: Dementia, stroke, post-concussion, Alzheimer’s,
Language deficits and Autism
LSVT Big and Loud Parkinson’s Management (Certified Specialty)
Speech and Language Pathology (Certified Specialty) example: voice, fluency
Swallowing Therapy (Certified Specialty)
Some conditions to look for when considering speech therapy for your child:
Speech Language:
- Speech is difficult to understand
- Does not babble, no words by 12 months
- No two-word phrases by 20 months
- Difficulty understanding directions or simple questions (may repeat all
or part of question or repeat “what”?)
- Stuttering or dysfluent speech to include “blocking” (getting
“stuck” on words) or repeating part of a word; may be accompanied
by physical struggle behaviors
- Hoarse voice quality; exhibits signs of vocal abuse (i.e. yelling, screaming,
noise making, loud voice, growling)
Feeding/Swallowing/Oral Motor:
- Weak, uncoordinated or ineffective suck
- Uncoordinated rhythm of suck-swallow-breathe; may struggle, arch, infrequently
pause to breathe, or exhibit increased tone
- Frequent coughing, choking or gasping for air when eating or drinking
- Loses food or liquid while eating/drinking
- Difficulty transitioning to new food consistencies
- Excessive drooling
- Picky eater / Problem feeder