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Mother's Milk Bank of Iowa

Depot #39

In May of 2021, Myrtue's Birthing Center became the 39th Mother's Milk Collection Depot. The Birthing Center is now where women can take their breastmilk to be frozen, stored, sent in, pasteurized, and donated to babies in need. Women complete a health history questionnaire and bloodwork screening to determine if they can donate.

“We are very excited to partner with the Mother’s Milk Bank of Iowa to become a breast milk depot,” states Birthing Center Director, Michele Monson, RNC-OB. “The Mother’s Milk Bank of Iowa has wanted a depot in southwest Iowa and we look forward to providing this service to our community.”

Who Benefits from Donor Human Milk?

More than two decades of research have established that human milk is the perfect food for infants. It protects them from illness – infants on human milk have lower hospital admission rates, fewer ear infections, rashes, and allergies, as well as less diarrhea. Human milk is even more important for premature infants. Human milk contains many ingredients not found in formula. It is full of immune system boosters and infection-fighting factors, and contains unique proteins, fats, carbohydrates, and enzymes necessary for tiny infants to survive.

Donations go to the most fragile, vulnerable, and at-risk babies in hospitals across the country. Some indications of an infant in need of donor human milk include:

  • Hospitalized premature infants
  • Infants born with immunological defects
  • Insufficient milk supply
  • Adopted infants
  • Mother illness requiring brief cessation of breast feeding

What are the Qualification to being a Donor?

To be a milk donor, you must be in good health and be willing to pump and store milk according to milk bank standards, as well as donate a minimum of 200 ounces of milk. Donors must also be:

  • Non-smoking
  • Not taking medication (with a few exceptions)
  • Should not consume alcohol 12 hours before pumping milk to donate
  • Are not taking herbal supplements, including herbs in multivitamin (multivitamin is not an exclusion)

To become a human milk donor, please contact Heidi Baudhuin at 319.384.9930 or

How can one Order Donor Human Milk?

To order donor human milk, or for more information about the Mother’s Milk Bank of Iowa, please contact the main office by one of the following ways:

​​​​Myrtue Medical Center

Myrtue Medical Center had its first donor in July 2021. Cara Casy, IBCLC, Myrtue's Lactation Consultant, was able to receive the first Milk Bank donation from Emily Raney.
"Although the main reason I donate my milk is to help and support other families, I find it rewarding on my end as well. It is so fulfilling to know that my contributions will help babies thrive and grow," said first donor, Emily Raney. "I am so glad Myrtue is a drop off site. They make it easy and simple to make a donation and it gives me a sense of pride to know that I am making a difference."

Become a donor today! Click here to start your journey.

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