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Click here to apply for the Shelby County Health Foundation grant application Press Release – Accepting Grant Applications for Shelby County Nonprofit Organizations
There are many ways to financially support the Health Foundation. An annual fund drive is held in December of each year soliciting donations from the citizens of our county and surrounding area. The Foundation’s Annual Report is distributed at this time to inform the community of the year’s activities.
Thousands of dollars are given each year in memory of loved ones. Individuals such as Arlow McDowell donated land which was sold with proceeds going to the Health Foundation.
An annual fund drive is held at Myrtue Medical Center to allow staff to donate through a payroll deduction system.
The Shelby County Health Foundation recognizes that healthcare is a vital component of a community’s quality of life. The foundation was formed in 1984. The basic policy of the Shelby County Health Foundation is to solicit contributions, gifts, grants, devises, or bequests of real or personal property, or both, from individuals, foundations, partnerships, associations, governmental bodies, public or private corporations and agencies to benefit or support the medical and healthcare of the citizens within a twenty-mile radius of Harlan, Shelby County, Iowa, all in a manner which will preserve the corporation’s tax-exempt status under IRC Section 501 (c) (3) and its exemption from private foundation status under IRC Section 509 (a) (1).
The nine-member board reflects a broad representation of the community and its members shall be selected for their ability to participate effectively in fulfilling the Foundation’s objectives and purposes. The Foundation has assisted in funding projects such as:
The Health Foundation recently joined with the Shelby County Community Foundation to offer contributors a second tax-advantaged option to donate funds to promote local healthcare. Donors who make a contribution to the Shelby County Health Foundation Endowment Fund may qualify for a 25 percent Iowa tax credit on that donation. And, depending on their tax situation, they may include their donation in their normal federal charitable income tax deductions.
Find out more about Endow Iowa Tax Credit Program
Every year the Health Foundation will be able to use up to 4.5 percent of its Endowment Fund money for healthcare-related grants. The Foundation Board encourages individuals wishing to donate to the Endowment Fund to contact Stacey Goodman at the Community Foundations of Southwest Iowa office in Omaha at omahafoundation.org
Shelby County Health Foundation Board members are available to discuss gift options with you, or you may contact your attorney for more information.
Current Board Members:
All gifts to the Shelby County Health Foundation are tax-deductible. Unless you designate a specific project, the foundation board will determine the best use of your gift to support health care in Shelby County and the surrounding area.
Make checks payable to the Shelby County Health Foundation.
Please mail this form and your contribution to:
Shelby County Health Foundation
1213 Garfield Avenue
Harlan, IA 51537
Feel free to contact any of the Foundation Board members, or Janelle Sorfonden, 712.755.4598, at Myrtue Medical Center for more information.
The Shelby County Philanthropy Guide is a booklet listing 190 non-profits and foundations in Shelby County. It was prepared by SCOPE (Shelby County Opportunities Promotion Enterprise), a group of individuals that have been meeting under four pillars: Youth, Leadership, Philanthropy, and Entrepreneurship. Please click the link to see a PDF version of the booklet: Shelby Co Philanthropic Guide 2013.