Patient Rights and Responsibilities + Privacy Practices
Notice of Privacy Practices
Notice of Privacy Practices Effective on May 27, 2016
Patients Rights + Responsibilities
Patient Informational Rights
Access to Care: Patients shall be accorded impartial access to services or accommodations
that are available and medically indicated, regardless of race, creed,
sex, age, national origin, disability, source of payment for care, diagnosis,
sexual orientation, or communication barriers.
Respect and Dignity: Patients have the right to considerate, respectful care at all times and
under all circumstances, with the recognition of personal dignity. Since
we have a strong commitment to respect the religious beliefs of all patients,
we will address any concerns regarding care decisions. In all appropriate
settings, pastoral counseling will be offered. Patients shall be free
from mental, chemical, physical abuse. Chemical and physical restraints
are used to protect the patient from injury to self or others only as
authorized by their medical provider. The patient shall be assured of
reasonable safety within the hospital. The individual dignity and privacy
of each patient will be respected. Personal mail sent and received by
the patient is unopened. The patient will have reasonable access to a
telephone for confidential calls.
Privacy and Confidentiality: Patients have the right, within the law, to personal and informational
privacy, including the right to:
- Refuse to talk with or see anyone not directly involved in care;
- Wear appropriate personal clothing, religious or other symbolic items,
as long as they do not interfere with medical procedures or treatment;
- Be interviewed and examined in surroundings designed to assure reasonable privacy;
- Have the medical record read only by individuals directly involved in treatment
or the monitoring of its quality, and by others only with written authorization
by the patient or a legally authorized representative;
- Compliance with all applicable federal, state, and local laws regarding
confidentiality of medical records and patient information;
- Be moved if another patient or visitor is unreasonably disturbing;
- Be placed in protective privacy when considered necessary for personal
safety; and
- Communicate privately with persons of their own choice and participate
in activities of social and religious groups at their own discretion.
If married, they will be assured of privacy for visits with their spouse,
includes same sex domestic partner.
Personal Safety: Patients have a right to expect reasonable safety in the hospital/clinic
practices or other health care settings; to be free from mental, physical,
verbal, psychological, sexual, and emotional abuse or harassment or unnecessary
restraints or seclusion; and to have access to protective services.
Identity/Participation: Patients will have the right to choose and know the identity of the medical
practitioner primarily responsible for the patient’s care and the
identity and professional status of those providing care. The facility
will assist the patient in finding an alternate medical practitioner when
requested to do so. The patient will have the right to participate in
the development and implementation of his or her care plan.
Patient-Directed Time Out: Patients have the right to request a patient-directed time out in order
to better understand their treatment and care which can be used at any
time the patient or their family has questions or concerns about their
care. By saying the words, “Time Out”, the patient or a family
member is indicating they would like all proceedings to stop to allow
time for patient questions and concerns to be addressed in a calm and
thorough manner before any treatment process or care continues.
Consent: Patients have the right to reasonably informed participation in decisions
involving their health care, including information regarding organ-tissue
donation procedures. Appropriate consent must be obtained for all treatments
and for their voluntary participation in research programs. Patients and/or
their legally-authorized representatives will be informed by the physician
about the risks, benefits, and alternatives to procedures, as well as
those considered experimental.
Information: Patients and their family, if appropriate, have the right to obtain complete
and current information concerning diagnosis and treatment from the attending
physician and to participate in care decisions. The patient shall be informed
regarding the risks and benefits of the treatment and the available alternatives.
When it is not advisable or possible to give such information to the patient,
the information will be made available to the patient’s legal representative.
Clinical decisions will be based upon identified health care needs and
shall not be compromised in response to financial considerations. The
grievance process may be utilized to address any issues of denial of care.
Any marketing materials provided will accurately reflect the services
available and the current level of licensure and accreditation. Patients
have the right to have their own physician promptly notified of their
admission. Patients have the right to have a family member or representative
of their choice promptly notified of their admission. The patient has
the right to access information contained in their clinical records within
a reasonable time frame. The hospital shall seek to meet requests for
medical record information as quickly as the record keeping system permits
within federal guidelines. Records shall be supplied at a cost not to
exceed the community standard.
Communication: Patients have the right of access to people outside the hospital/clinic
by means of personal visit, oral and written communication, unless their
physician determines that this will hinder treatment. Patients have the
right, subject to their consent, to receive the visitors whom they designate
including, but not limited to, a spouse (an individual legally married
to another, including same sex), a domestic partner (including a same-sex
domestic partner), another family member, or a friend. Patients have the
right to withdraw or deny such consent at any time. Right to be fully
informed in a language that he/she can understand when the hospital/clinic
determines that qualified interpreters and/or communication equipment
are necessary for effective communication, it will be provided at no charge
to the patient.
Consultation: Patients have the right to consult with a specialist at their request
and at their own expense.
Refusal of Treatment: Patients may refuse, consent to, or limit treatment to the extent permitted
by law. When refusal of treatment prevents the provision of appropriate
care in accordance with ethical and professional standards, the relationship
with the patient may be terminated upon reasonable notice. Myrtue Medical
Center will address conflicts that may arise among patients, families,
hospital/clinic staff and physicians concerning care decisions, including
the withholding or withdrawal of life-sustaining treatment. No hospital/clinic
will discriminate against a patient based upon the patient’s decision
to execute a living will or other advance directive to withhold care.
Patients shall have the right to complete an advance directive or designate
a representative to make health care decisions.
Transfer and Continuity of Care: Patients will not be transferred to another facility without a complete
explanation of the need for transfer, the risks and alternatives to transfer,
and the acceptance of the patient by the other facility. Patients have
the right to be informed by the responsible health care provider of any
continuing health requirements following discharge from a hospital/ clinic/service.
Billing Practices: Patients will be billed only for services provided. Patients have the
right to request and receive an itemized explanation of the entire bill,
regardless of the source of payment. Patients also have the right to timely
notice prior to termination of eligibility for reimbursement for the cost
of care by any third party
Grievance Process: The patient has the right to file a complaint or grievance at any time
and expect that filling such a grievance will not affect his/her future
access to or quality of care. Myrtue Medical Center has an established
mechanism for patients and family to express their concerns. Patients
receiving any clinical service can ask an administrative representative
for assistance in communicating with appropriate administrative staff
to resolve their concerns. Patients receiving any service can ask for
assistance in this process by asking for the nursing supervisor.
If he/she does not feel their grievance has been resolved effectively,
he/she may contact one of the following:
Livanta, a Quality Improvement Organization that helps Medicare beneficiaries
resolve healthcare concerns and appeal notices.
Phone for hearing impaired:
- Mail: 10820 Guilford Rd. Ste 202, Annapolis Junction, MD 20701-1262
Department of Inspection and Appeals, State Agency
- Mail: 321 E 12th St., Des Moines, IA 51319
Patient Responsibilities:
Provision of Information: Patients have the responsibility to provide, to the best of their knowledge,
accurate and complete information about their present complaints, prior
illnesses, hospitalizations, medications, changes in condition, and other
matters relating to their health.
Compliance with Instructions: Patients are responsible for complying with applicable hospital/clinic
rules and regulations, for following the treatment plan recommended by
their approved and licensed independent practitioner, and for cooperating
with health personnel as they carry out the coordinated plan of care ordered.
Patients are also responsible for keeping appointments and notifying the
practitioner, hospital, or clinic when unable to do so. Patients are responsible
to make it known if they do not understand what they have been given in
education, instruction, or communication.
Refusal of Treatment: Patients are responsible for providing copies of their living will or other
advance directives to their health care practitioners. Patients are responsible
for their actions if they refuse treatment or refuse to follow the practitioner’s
Health Care Charges: Patients are responsible for assuring that the financial obligations of
their health care are fulfilled as promptly as possible.
Respect and Consideration: Patients are responsible for being considerate of the rights of other
patients and hospital/clinic personnel, and for assisting in the control
of noise and the number of hospital visitors. Patients are also expected
to respect the property of others and of the hospital/clinic.
Personal Property: Patients are responsible for any property/valuables kept in their possession.
The patient or guardian is expected to manage his/her own financial affairs.
When the patient is not capable of understanding these rights, or when
the patient is a minor child, all applicable patient rights and responsibilities
passes to the next of kin, guardian, or authorized responsible person by law.
Patient Visitation Rights
The patient (or support person, where appropriate) has the right, subject
to his or her consent, to receive the visitors whom he/she designates,
including, but not limited to, a spouse, a domestic partner (including
a same-sex domestic partner), another family member, or a friend. The
patient (or support person) has the right to withdraw or deny such consent
at any time.
The patient (or support person) is informed of his/her rights and responsibilities
in advance of furnishing patient care whenever possible.
If the patient is unable to receive those rights at the time of admission,
his/her support person may receive them on behalf of the patient.
Myrtue Medical Center will not restrict, limit, or otherwise deny visitation
privileges on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, sex,
sexual orientation, gender identity or disability.
All designated by the patient (or support person) will enjoy full and equal
visitation privileges consistent with patient preference.
Reference: State Operations Manual Appendix W 485.635 (f)
Myrtue Medical Center welcomes your comments about our facilities and the
services you receive. Satisfaction with your visit is of great importance
to us. Whether you have compliments or concerns, we want to hear from you.
There are several ways to do this:
Go to our website at Click on the
“Contact Us” button in the upper-right hand corner.
- Any of our staff members are available to assist you or inform the appropriate
person in addressing your concern.
- You can request to speak to the Nurse Manager for immediate assistance
in resolving your concern.
- Administrative representatives are available should you feel you need further
assistance. You can call or write to:
Myrtue Medical Center
1213 Garfield Avenue
Harlan, Iowa 51537
ATTN: Administrator