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Auxiliary + Gift Shop

Myrtue Medical Center Auxiliary (MMCA) is a member-based program with the mission to support Myrtue Medical Center's services and activities benefiting patients, Myrtue Medical Center's team members and the community.

MMCA is an integral and vital part of Myrtue's organization and the volunteers contribute and provide a lasting impact throughout the Medical Center by funding scholarships for students in the healthcare field, purchasing hospital equipment, and providing employee appreciation activities. The Auxiliary has approximately 255 members, consisting of people of all ages. Myrtue Medical Center is proud to have such a dedicated, caring group of volunteers who donate more than just their time but also share their talents and compassion with patients, families, and employees. If you would like to be a part of the wonderful group of volunteers on the Auxiliary, please call 712.755.4316 or download the membership form here.

Auxiliary Board Group Photo

Pictured Above - 2025 Auxiliary Board Members
Front row (L to R): Ruthanne Grimsley, Treasurer, Joan Chamberlain, Secretary,
Nancy Osborn, Vice President, Cheryl Ferry, President
(Not pictured - Jolene Lyle)
Back row (L to R): Julienne Ferry, Karen Chamberlain, Karissa Sears, Bonnie Fiscus, Deb Morgan,
Cheryl Burchett, Sharon Daberkow, Sharon Monson, Phyllis Lytle and Sandy Nelsen

Latest Newsletter: Volume 71, Issue 3, October 2024

The Auxiliary releases three newsletters, Volunteer Voice, throughout the year to highlight current events and projects happening within the organization.

See our latest newsletter here

Auxiliary Gift Shop

Unique Boutique

Hours of Operation:

Monday - Thursdays: 9 AM to 4 PM

Fridays: 9 AM to 12:30 PM

The Auxiliary's Unique Boutique is located right inside the main clinic entrance off of Chatburn Avenue. There are many unique gifts in the Boutique, some of which include:

  • Cards
  • Candy / Snacks
  • Jewelry
  • Clothes
  • Baby gifts
  • Seasonal items
  • Home décor for every occasion

The Unique Boutique is closed on weekends and holidays.

Auxiliary Support

The gift shop proceeds and Auxiliary fundraisers contribute to the purchase of equipment for clinical departments, student scholarships, donations for the first New Year's baby, and KidsFest monetary donations. MMCA supports the hospital in many ways:

  • Provides employee gratitude events thanking team members for their dedicated service.
  • In the month of May, MMCA schedules and leads first graders from Shelby County schools on POP (Pediatric Orientation Program) tours of various hospital departments.
  • Annual Bazaar and Luncheon is an annual event held in September - this is our main fundraising event!
  • In November, we host the gift shop's annual Holiday Open House which has many gifts available plus complimentary cookies and coffee for shoppers to enjoy.
  • Tree of Lights is held annually; ornaments may be purchased in memory of or in honor of a loved one.
  • The Newborn Stocking Hat Committee provides knitted and crocheted hats and blankets to our newborn babies.


MMCA awards a total of six scholarships each year to students who are pursuing a career in the healthcare field. There are five $1000 Auxiliary scholarships and one $1000 Donafae Hibray / Auxiliary Scholarship available. The completed application should be mailed to the committee prior to APRIL 1, 2025.

Scholarship Applications must be mailed by April 1st to Ruth Pitkin at 1213 Garfield Ave. Harlan, IA 51537

Scholarship Qualifications Requirements Include:

  • The student will be a resident of the area served by Myrtue Medical Center.
  • Students will have a least a 2.5 grade point average and be accepted as a student in the school for which the tuition is being given.
  • Applicants need to be 17 and older.
  • Students will make an application as directed by the scholarship committee.
  • The possibility of the recipient working in the health care field within the area serviced by the hospital and the committee's feeling based on questionnaires as to the applicant's fitness for such a position may be taken into consideration by the committee in making its choice.
  • Scholarship money will be given at the beginning of the second semester of the school year. It is the student's responsibility to notify the Myrtue Medical Center Auxiliary Scholarship Chairman if he/she does not plan to attend college the second semester. If the original recipient does not continue with his/her education the second semester, scholarship monies will be awarded to the alternate student.
  • Checks will be made in co-payment to the student and the college. Checks will be mailed to the student at the address provided, and must be endorsed by both the student and the college.

Apply by clicking on the following and downloading/printing the application: