IDPH Media Release

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IDPH Media Release

(Des Moines, IA) Today the Iowa Department of Public Health (IDPH) spoke with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) regarding expected increases in vaccine allocation. We continue to be in close communication with our federal partners and we will provide updates as we learn more.

At this time, we continue to move forward with our targeted plan to ensure a swift and equitable process. Iowa is currently vaccinating individuals in Phase 1A, which includes health care personnel and residents and staff of long-term care facilities. The next phase, Phase 1B, includes Iowans age 75 and over, as well as other high-risk populations. This next phase will begin receiving vaccinations no later than February 1. The Department created a timeline to help Iowans understand when they can expect to get their vaccination.

This approach focuses on Iowans who are most vulnerable to exposure to COVID-19 or high-risk for illness as the result of a COVID-19 infection, with a significant focus on equity. Some examples include individuals with disabilities living in home settings, correctional facilities, other congregate settings and meatpacking plant workers. Definitions and examples of individuals included in Phase 1A and B can be found here.

As we move into the next phase, more settings and locations for vaccination will become available. Some may receive vaccines at employer-based clinics. Others may receive theirs through health care providers, pharmacies and clinical settings that are equipped to handle screening and scheduling for vaccination efforts. There are approximately 1,700 enrolled vaccine providers in the state. County health departments may partner with these providers to ensure their residents have access to the vaccine when it becomes available.

Throughout the vaccine campaign, it has been the goal of IDPH to keep Iowans informed with accurate and confirmed details. We will continue to monitor and evaluate updated allocation information during this time when the situation remains fluid. Iowa’s current allocation numbers can be found here and vaccine administration totals here.

IDPH continues to urge Iowans that while the vaccine is still a scarce resource, to practice virus mitigation efforts.

  • Wear a mask or face covering
  • Practice social distancing with those outside your household
  • Clean your hands frequently with soap and water
  • Stay home if you feel sick